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Polyphenylsulfone (PPSU)

FDM Thermoplastic

Resistant to Heat and Chemicals.

PPSU (also known as PPSF) offers elevated properties compared with commodity plastics. It is stronger than polycarbonate but its more notable features include heat and chemical resistance. This makes it a good choice for demanding applications exposed to oils, gas and acids. PPSU can also be sterilized via steam, autoclave, plasma, chemical and radiation methods.

Typical applications


Concept models, early prototyping and functional prototypes.



Jigs, fixtures and manufacturing aids.


Production Parts

Low-volume production and customized parts.


Performance properties

Heat Deflection Temperature (HDT)

PPSF 189℃ (372℉)

PC 140℃ (284℉)

PC-ABS 100℃ (212℉)

Compatible printers

PPSF product data sheet

PPSF safety data sheet

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