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3D printing in dentistry & medical

Discover the impact of introducing 3D printing into healthcare, driving innovation and unlocking patient-driven results across dental, orthopedics and medical deparments.

3D printing in education

Discover the impact of introducing 3D printing into university or college, drive innovation and stay competitive in an enviroment of rising student expectations with widely adopted industry technology.

3D printing in engineering

Discover the impact of introducing 3D printing into your manufacturing process, turning weeks and months of lead time into hours and drastically cutting the cost of outsourced labour.

Additive manufacturing for metal form tooling

Download this white paper to discover the findings of a case study involving the use of FDM® additive manufacturing to create custom sheetmetal form tooling, and the benefits of using this new process.

3D printing in design

Discover the impact of introducing 3D printing into your design studio, producing prototypes in hours instead of days and reduced costs by up to 10x the amount of outsourcing.